Majestoluxe, the enigmatic figurehead of Stockholms underground electronic scene, released his new captivating EP titled "Stolid State" earlier this summer. The release marked the start of the artist’s new collaboration with Stockholm-based Boutique Label Icons Creating Evil Art, which also is the home of genre-sibling EMMON. With this new offering, Majestoluxe promised bass lines covered in concrete dust and beats infested with severe rust damage. Now he follows the EP up with a first remix collaboration; this one from the French duo Maman Küsters. The duo is set up by Cyril Pansal and Gaël Loison and signed to the French Unknown Pleasures Records in 2016 and have since released 4 albums.
Maman Küsters' remix of Assertive Indifference strikes a perfect balance between their signature bass-heavy dance EBM style and Majestoluxe's intense industrial sound. The remix skillfully turns the intentional monotony into engaging hypnotics. Majestoluxe comments:
- "Maman Küsters is one of the great innovators in contemporary EBM, and I was delighted when they accepted the challenge to do a remix of Assertive Indifference. Their remix brings out 100% of that alluring grinding bass deliciousness I've come to love, while retaining the soul of the song."
At the core of Majestoluxe's sonic arsenal lies a massive modular synth system, exclusively utilized to craft each composition on the Stolid State EP. The result is an intriguing fusion of noisy techno and experimental electroacoustic art music, that transport listeners back to the raw energy of 80's industrial and Electronic Body Music (EBM). Since emerging onto the scene in 2019, Majestoluxe, also known as Conny Fornbäck, has garnered widespread acclaim for three critically acclaimed albums. Audience and critics alike have been captivated by his unapologetically punky attitude, coupled with mesmerizing visuals, showcased in live performances across Europe and Central America.
"Assertive Indifference (Maman Küsters Remix)" is released on all major streaming platforms August 9th via Icons Creating Evil Art.