Following their successful debut ‘ Colossal gods’ , COBRA THE IMPALER returns with their second full length 'Karma Collision' out on May 31 on Listenable Records. This is an album forged in the crucible of modern turmoil and bound by the chains of classic metal fury. This - their sophomore offering - stands as a towering monument amidst the ruins of lesser gods, a beacon of defiance shining in the shadow of a society on the brink.

After storming the festival stages of Hellfest, Brutal Assault, Dynamo Metalfest, Alcatraz, Bloodstock, Metaldays and more, COBRA THE IMPALER has refined and distilled their furious energy into ten tracks that stand as a testament to their unyielding spirit. "Karma Collision" is not merely a follow-up to "Colossal Gods" but a doubling down, a masterful evolution that takes their established sound to cataclysmic new heights.

Dive into the ferocious intensity of 'Season of the Savage’, a standout track from their new explosive album. This single combines relentless riffs with deep, ominous lyrics that echo the darkest corners of human nature. 'Season of the Savage' delivers a powerful blend of aggression and haunting melodies, showcasing COBRA THE IMPALER s signature metal prowess. Experience the raw energy and compelling depth of this modern metal anthem, perfect for any listener ready to embrace the savage within.

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