Twisted Copenhagen hardcore mongers EYES released their debut album ‘Underperformer’ this past September and scorching eyes and ears with their unique fusion of punk and metallic hardcore, leaving no confronted soul unstirred, not at least through their fantastically entertaining music videos. As every other band on planet earth, they have not been able to tour due to the ongoing pandemic, but now there’s some action available for the hungry hardcore hordes out there.

Together with Vincent B. G. Kosmol, EYES has shot three ‘Underperformer’ songs live in their rehearsal space in Copenhagen, Denmark which happens to share space with Angry Music Studios run by producer Tobias Munk Tønder, producer of the band’s output so far, including the new sessions. Mathcore Index is hosting and premiered the three session clips, the first one was “Voiceswhispersecretsandspeakonlytruths”, then came ‘Swim’, and now it’s time for ‘Off’. Lead singer ‘Victor Kaas’ says of the session:

"We were hesitant to do a live session - everyone and their mother does one these days (for obvious reasons). In the end we decided to do one, since it's the only way we can showcase our live sound outside of Denmark at the moment. We hope to tour as soon as possible, when it's deemed safe again, but for now, we hope you'll enjoy this 3-parter as a substitute."

The three clips allows you to experience the live intensity of EYES, if not first hand, then through the screen, where one senses the spit, the sweat and all the other filthy particles, we’re not supposed to near. But this does not stand alone, as the band has actual, though pandemic regulated Danish shows coming up in November. In addition, the band has just been confirmed for Denmark’s big metal festival Copenhell in June and also Prime Fest the same month and city.

Watch the third and final ‘Angry Music Sessions’ live video ‘Off’ with EYES here:

EYES is made up by five young veterans from the Danish metal and hardcore scene, and ‘Underperformer’ reflects a combo, that does not worry one bit about what fans, scene or people in general might think. One senses an artistic kinship with bands such as Daughters, Pissed Jeans and Converge - all bands who started out with a particular sound and have changed and developed their musical vision significantly; something EYES aims for as well - and succeeds in.

‘Underperformer’ and its ten songs showcases a unique talent for injecting new life into hardcore with a disregardful (mis)use of the genres many strains and traits through a focused, original songwriting. In its essence, ‘Underperformer’ is a narrative about becoming an adult and having a hard time adjusting to the role it implies. About feeling discontent with one self and where one is in life; Feeling like you're always busy and have your hands full, but never actually accomplishing anything - feeling like an ‘Underperformer’.

‘Underperformer’ was produced by Tobias Munk Tønder (Église, Drukner), mastered by Jacob Bredahl (Lifesick, I Am Bones) - who also contributes guest vocals on the record - and Jon Gotlev/No Heroes has created the notable artwork. The album was released September 25th 2020 on vinyl (400 black and 100 white copies), tape (100 copies) and digital formats, physical versions are available to purchase via Indisciplinarian HERE

EYES live 2020/2021

  • 13.11.20 - Sønderborg, Sønderborghus (DK) w/ Orm
  • 27.11.20 - Copenhagen, Pumpehuset (DK) w/ Tvivler & Praytell
  • 14.01.21 - Copenhagen, Sorte Firlkant Musikfestival (DK)
  • 16-19.06.21 - Copenhell (DK)
  • 25-26.06.21 - Copenhagen, Prime Fest (DK)

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