The air around you is heavy and dank, making it hard to breathe. There is a sound behind you. Was it a footstep or your imagination? Out of the corner of your eye, something moved. A wisp of hair or a shadow skulking about in the darkness?

You move through your surroundings, questioning everything you see, hear and feel. Did something just brush past you? Your arm starts to tingle...

The air around you is heavy and dank, making it hard to breathe. There is a sound behind you. Was it a footstep or your imagination? Out of the corner of your eye, something moved. A wisp of hair or a shadow skulking about in the darkness?

You move through your surroundings, questioning everything you see, hear and feel. Did something just brush past you? Your arm starts to tingle...

Everywhere you look, shadows move just outside of your peripheral vision. You hear the constant whispering of voices from the shadows, but you can't quite make out the words, or if there are even words being whispered. The only thing you can make out clearly is laughter - an evil cackle that cuts to your soul and evokes a visceral reaction.

Your every movement is controlled by some force outside...

Have you ever been somewhere and felt like you were being watched? Or maybe something happened that you couldn't explain? What did you do? Probably just ignore it and tell yourself it was just a coincidence, right?

When it happened to DiGregorio guitarist and principal songwriter Suzanne DeCree, she decided to write it down and tell the world about her experiences through song. House of Gregory Chapter One is the...