Diamante Blackmon, globally celebrated as GORDO and previously known as Carnage, reveals the tracklist of his eagerly awaited self-titled album, out on July 26th, via Ultra Records. After years of collaborating with and producing for top-tier artists, including Drake, Bad Bunny, Nicki Minaj, El Alfa, Migos, Lil Yachty, the late Mac Miller, The Martinez Brothers, and Rema, and setting the sonic agenda for nightlife worldwide with his releases and DJ...

Credit: Ivan Amet Achao Acuna

After much anticipation, grammy-nominated electronic music crossover DJ and producer GORDO announces his debut studio album ‘DIAMANTE’. “It’s the most emotional project I’ve worked on in my life,” says GORDO about the album, which has been in the works for over five years and is named after himself. “It features work from artists I’ve looked up to and artists who inspire me, some I’ve known for years and others I’ve...